Aiki Training Hall Coronavirus/COVID – 19 Guidelines and Procedures for the private 1 on 1 session


1. If you are sick STAY HOME! If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, dizziness, or shortness of breath, please STAY HOME!

2. The session costs $75 and lasts 60 minutes.

3. If you are interested in scheduling a 1 on 1 personal training session please use the contact form below and let us know what day and time works best. If you were not a member with us previously, let us know a little bit about yourself, your experience level and what you are looking to get out of the sessions.

4. The private sessions will take place at our facility that is fully prepared for training. It is cleaned and disinfected after each use and we will follow all federal, state and local laws regarding COVID-19.

5. Please arrive to your session on time. Please do not arrive too early. After your sessions ends make sure to gather all of your belongings to take with you. Anything left at the gym will be discarded.

6. If you need to cancel your session, please do so 24 hours in advance otherwise we will not be able to issue a refund.

7. Masks or facial coverings will be mandatory at all times by students and instructors.

8. Come to class in your workout attire and bring a water bottle and towel.

9. Bring your training equipment to class. We will not be providing loaner equipment during this time.

10. The session can be contactless if desired. If not, we are doing pad work.

11. The class will last roughly 60 minutes and will consist of a warm-up, conditioning, shadow boxing, footwork, technique, bag work/pad work followed by cool down calisthenics.

Please be understanding, patient, supportive and cooperative during this time. We are trying to do the best we can with the resources we have and the guidelines we must follow. We hope to hear from you and thank you for your interest!

Private Session Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message